Hair Transplantation – What You Need to Know

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that can improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence. The treatment is available to men and women with baldness or thinning hair.

The surgery can be performed in one long session or several small sessions. Your surgeon will choose the procedure that is best suited to your needs and goals.

Donor Site

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The best donor areas are on the back and sides of your head. These are typically the most resistant to hair loss because they have never been exposed to androgen hormones (the hormone that triggers baldness).

Patients with a good supply of hair from these donor sites make ideal candidates for hair transplantation. The characteristics of hair in different donor areas — hair color, texture, curl and wave — are also taken into account by the physician hair restoration specialist.

In the most common technique of hair transplantation, strip harvesting, a single- or double-bladed scalpel removes strips of tissue from the donor site. Later, a surgical assistant dissects the follicles out of the strip. The incisions are carefully planned to avoid removing too much of the scalp’s surface hair.


Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that moves healthy, full-size follicles from the back of your head (the donor area) to areas of your scalp where you are balding. The procedure can improve your appearance and self-confidence.

In the procedure, a surgeon makes tiny holes in your scalp, then carefully places hairs from your donor area into these holes. During one treatment session, hundreds or even thousands of hairs may be transplanted into your thinning areas.

The grafts created in this way differ in size and shape, ranging from small round punch grafts to long thin strip grafts. Your doctor will discuss with you which type of grafts are best for your specific needs and goals.

Your surgeon will also explain that after the procedure, you might see some shedding of your transplanted hair, which is normal. However, your new hair will start to grow back in around six months, and you should begin seeing results within a year.


In the first few days following hair transplantation, your new hair grafts need to adjust to their new surroundings and become secure. This process can be very challenging and takes some time, but with a few key tips, you can help your follicles survive and start to grow.

A personalised hair transplant aftercare package from The Treatment Rooms London will provide you with everything you need to take care of your new follicles. This customised goody bag contains a range of medications and minerals that are specially designed to support your recovery and get you back on track quickly and effectively.

It is important to rest as much as possible in the early days after your procedure. This will help you recover more quickly, and may even speed up your results.


Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that can help to restore healthy hair. This type of surgery is often performed on patients who have balding areas or thinning scalps. 탈모병원추천

The cost of hair transplantation varies depending on many factors. The number of grafts needed, the technique used and the surgeon’s experience are all major considerations when determining the final cost.

During your consultation appointment, we will determine how much hair follicles will be needed to meet your specific needs and goals. This is the most accurate way to estimate your hair transplant costs.

The cost of your treatment will also depend on the number of grafts harvested and whether a surgical technique is used such as follicular unit strip surgery (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). This will also be determined during your consultation with Dr. Scott Boden.