Hair Transplantation – What You Need to Know

Hair transplantation is the medical procedure of moving healthy hair follicles from one part of your scalp to another, where it’s needed most. The healthy follicles are called donor hair, and they’re transplanted into the area of your scalp that has less or no hair. This replaces the missing follicles and stimulates new growth in that area of your head, which creates natural-looking results.서면탈모병원추천

Typically, hair transplant surgery takes between four and eight hours. Most patients remain awake during the procedure, and they only need anesthesia to numb their scalp. A nurse might also administer a mild sedative to help you relax.

Your surgeon may use one of two surgical methods: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). During FUSS, your doctor removes a 6- to 10-inch section of skin from the back of your head and sews it closed. Then, they separate the strip into individual follicular units that contain one to several hairs each. They’ll implant these follicular units into tiny holes in your scalp that are created by your surgeon.

FUE, on the other hand, doesn’t leave a large scar. Instead, your doctor uses a tube-like instrument to extract individual follicles from the back and sides of your scalp. Then, they’ll use these follicles to fill in your balding or thinning areas. You’ll probably need more than one session of FUE to achieve your desired result.

Before the procedure begins, your surgeon will use a local anesthesia to numb your scalp. Then, they’ll create small wounds where each graft will go. The incisions will heal into small, hardly noticeable marks that blend in with surrounding hair within about a month. After that, the transplanted follicles will begin to grow new hair at a normal rate.

Most people can return to their regular lives 24 to 48 hours after each procedure. You’ll need to avoid vigorous physical activity for five to seven days to minimize swelling that can occur. Your doctor might also prescribe medication to help you with any itching at the treatment sites. You might also experience crusting or scabs for about seven to ten days as the scabs heal.

The length of time it will take for your transplanted hair to grow back depends on the color and texture of your hair. Coarse hair will usually provide better coverage than fine, gray or light-colored hair. Also, coarser hair tends to grow faster than thinner, lighter hair.

The most important thing to remember is to follow your surgeon’s instructions for aftercare. You should wash your hair gently, and not rub or pull at the transplanted grafts. This will prevent the grafts from becoming loose or slipping out. You should also attend follow-up visits at four to six-month intervals to monitor your progress and see if more sessions are needed. In some cases, it can take up to two years for your transplanted hair to look full and natural. But with careful planning, most patients are happy with their results after about a year.청담모바로의원