Bad Breath Treatment

Whether you have chronic bad breath or just need to freshen up, there are many options available.

Halitosis, or bad breath, can be caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease, mouth infections, and other medical conditions.

If you have bad breath that isn’t improving with regular brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping, see your dentist or doctor. They can help diagnose the cause of your halitosis and recommend treatments that work for you.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a great home treatment for bad breath. It contains citric acid and vitamin C, both of which work to remove odour-causing bacteria.

It is also a good source of potassium, folate and antioxidants. These are all important nutrients for the immune system and overall health.입냄새치료

Besides, the citric acid found in lemon juice helps balance the pH in your mouth and promote saliva production. Chewing on a rind of a lemon can help freshen your breath as well.

One way to get the most out of lemon juice as a bad breath treatment is to drink it daily. This can help prevent gingivitis and advance periodontal disease, thereby helping to eliminate bad breath.


Cinnamon has been used to treat a number of oral health issues for centuries. It has antimicrobial properties that can help prevent gum disease and freshen your breath.

A study found that people who chewed cinnamon gum had a 50 percent decrease in bad breath bacteria compared to those who chewed mint. Chewing on cinnamon sticks can also help freshen your breath.

In addition to reducing bad breath, cinnamon may also inhibit the growth of a biofilm of fungi and bacteria that are commonly found in the mouth. This slimy layer of fungi or bacteria is linked to gum disease, which is why it’s important to remove it regularly.

To fight off odor-causing bacteria, mix cinnamon with lemon juice and honey in a jar of water to make a DIY mouthwash. Honey contains methylglyoxal, an antimicrobial that kills off bad breath-causing bacteria.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile natural cleaning agent that can be used to freshen and whiten teeth. It’s also known to reduce the amount of plaque in the mouth and repair damage caused by cavities.

It’s also effective in preventing and treating gingivitis, which is a condition that causes bad breath (halitosis). In addition, it can be used to treat itchy skin and mouth ulcers.

Dissolve a half-teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and swish it around your mouth like you would with a mouthwash. This will help get rid of bad breath for good.

Another option is to mix salt and baking soda together in a cup of water, and gargle with this mixture. The combination of these ingredients helps to neutralize the pH in your stomach, which possesses antimicrobial properties.

Salt Water

Salt water is a cheap, effective bad breath treatment that also works as an excellent remedy for halitosis, gingivitis, and sore throats. It is also a good alternative to mouthwashes with harsh alcohol-based ingredients, which can cause dry mouth and gum irritation. 서초한의원

To make a saltwater rinse, use any type of salt you have on hand, and consider adding hydrogen peroxide or honey for additional soothing and healing properties. Most recipes call for eight ounces of warm water and one teaspoon of salt. If your mouth is tender, decrease the amount of salt to a half teaspoon for the first 1 to 2 days of using the rinse.

Salt water is found in saline lakes, oceans, and icebergs around the world. Typically, the salt concentration is about 35 parts per thousand (ppt), but it can be as high as ten times that level.