Dental Implants Explained

dental implant

Dental Implants Explained

A dental implant is a replacement tooth root that mimics the shape of your natural tooth and can improve your smile. An implant can also help prevent bone loss in the jaw where a missing tooth is located and can support your remaining teeth. A dental implant can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even an entire arch of missing teeth.잠실치과

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and become a permanent part of the mouth. In most cases, a patient can return home after a few days in the oral surgeon’s care. Patients with implants will need to brush and floss regularly to keep the area healthy. Regular visits with the dentist are also recommended to ensure proper function of the implant and to check for any signs of infection.

An implant is made of titanium, which has a unique ability to fuse with the bone through a process called osseointegration. The fusion of the implant and the bone creates a solid foundation that will hold the new replacement tooth. The implant is also topped with a connector post known as an abutment that will attach to the replacement tooth.

Before the procedure begins, your oral surgeon will review your medical history and discuss any medications you are taking. If you are taking aspirin or other blood thinners, it’s important to let your doctor know so that they can take appropriate measures to avoid any bleeding during the surgery.

During the surgery, a small incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the bone. The implant is then screwed into the bone, either in a one-stage or two-stage procedure. The implant is covered by a healing cap or a temporary prosthesis until the site is completely healed.

If the jawbone isn’t strong enough to support an implant, a bone graft can be performed to rebuild the site. A natural bone graft will use bone from another location in the body, or synthetic materials can be used that will promote bone growth and support the implant.

The surgical site will be bandaged and sutured. Your dentist may recommend eating soft foods for a few weeks or may ask you to avoid certain activities in order to allow the surgical site to heal. If there are any problems with the healing or pain, you should call your dentist right away.

Dental implants are very successful, and the majority of implants last a lifetime. However, some implants fail to fuse to the bone or experience complications during healing. There are a few things that can increase the chances of success, including following your dentist’s post-operative instructions, practicing good oral hygiene, and not smoking (which slows healing). If you have an implant that fails, it is important to report it to the FDA through MedWatch, the FDA’s safety information and adverse event reporting program.서울0.1치과의원