6 Restaurant Promotion Ideas That Build Brand Awareness and Create Loyal Customers

Restaurant promotion can be expensive, but the best restaurant marketing ideas do more than just generate a one-time boost in sales; they build brand awareness and create loyal customers. The most important factor in successful restaurant promotion is understanding your customer base and how to target different groups with a variety of unique offers.식당광고비용

Use your social media accounts to engage with your audience and promote specials. Make it a point to post captivating food pictures and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your restaurant to encourage people to follow you and share their experiences. Run contests and collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience.

The best restaurant promotions are those that offer value and surprise your guests. For example, throw a “free” night that comps dessert or sides for everyone who shows up, regardless of the size of their bill. You can also have a weekly spot prize that gives out random free drinks or a dessert to a few guests each time they tag you on Instagram while visiting your restaurant.

Look at shift occupancy reports to find the less busy times of the day and target your restaurant promotions to those lulls. A happy hour, late-night or coffee break deal is a great way to bring in customers who might not otherwise visit during your regular business hours.

Consider sourcing local ingredients, foods and drink to give your restaurant a stronger sense of community and add a unique selling point. Loudly advertising this choice and collaborating with local suppliers is a powerful restaurant promotion strategy. It’s often easier and cheaper than you might expect. There are tons of non-competing restaurants and businesses in your community that would love to work with you on a promotional initiative.

Publish a special menu that highlights your seasonal offerings. Whether it’s a pumpkin spice latte or a watermelon salad, seasonal foods are big hits with diners. They may be more expensive than the equivalent of your standard menu items, but that extra cost might be worth it for the higher profit margin.

The classic “loss leader” promotion works well for casual dining restaurants that can afford to lose money on a single dish or appetizer in order to draw in new customers. This type of promotional offering entices people to try menu items they might have been hesitant to buy at full price, like a free order of fries with a pub burger or a free desert with an entree.

Host a special event at your restaurant that ties in with a popular local happening, such as a music concert, charity event or sports game. Advertise the event in your local media and invite non-competing businesses to participate to gain a wide range of new audiences for your restaurant.애드리절트