Implant Dental – What You Need to Know

Whether you have lost a tooth, have a tooth that needs to be extracted or wear dentures that don’t fit properly, dental implants can provide a permanent solution to replace your missing or loose teeth. These strong and natural-looking replacements can be used to restore a single missing tooth, several teeth or all your teeth.방이동치과

In addition to providing a beautiful and natural-looking smile, implant dental can help to strengthen your jawbone, reduce bone loss in the area of the missing tooth and provide support for your remaining teeth.

The first step of the process is a thorough dental evaluation to determine the health and condition of your gums, remaining teeth and jawbone. We will take X-rays and impressions of your mouth to plan your treatment. A CT scan may also be taken if needed to evaluate the size and shape of your jawbone. Depending on your individual situation, a bone graft might be necessary to increase the amount of bone in your jaw. If this is the case, you will need to wait a few months before continuing with the dental implant procedure.

During the surgical procedure, a titanium, screw-shaped implant post is placed into the empty space in your jawbone. Over time, this metal anchor will fuse to your bone (called osseointegration). This creates a foundation for the overlying crown. A temporary prosthesis can be worn while the site heals.

If you have a chronic illness that affects your immune system or you are taking certain medications that slow down healing, it is possible that the implant might not bond with the bone. If this occurs, the implant might not be successful and you might need to undergo another surgery to try again. Smoking is another factor that can decrease the chances of success with an implant, as it impedes blood flow to the gums and bones.

Once the implant is successfully bonded to your jawbone, you will need to care for it just as you would care for your natural teeth. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily and visiting our office regularly for cleanings and exams to ensure that your gums are healthy.

A well-cared-for implant can last for a lifetime, but it is important to follow the instructions that your dentist gives you regarding food and drink to protect your new teeth. For instance, we might ask you to eat soft foods and use ice packs to help relieve swelling after the surgery. We will also urge you to quit smoking as it can reduce the healing process and contribute to implant failure. It is also important to report any issues you might have with your implant immediately so that we can address them promptly. You can do this by reporting your concerns to the FDA’s MedWatch program.서울0.1치과의원